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Having incomplete and poorly optimized profiles

You wouldn’t show up to a client without clothes on, would you?

So why do you greet your potential customers on social media with a bare profile or company page?

It is impressive, and in some cases alarming, the number of companies on social networks that do not take care of or consider such a basic and elementary point as having institutional information and a complete BIO, as well as a profile and cover photo in minimum conditions.

Despite the fact that there are countless videos, tutorials and guides on the Internet related to the topic, in which this advice is given as one of the most basic, it is often followed without paying attention to it.

2) Not having a qualified person to manage them or a clear strategy

Another point that has been talked about ad nauseam is having a qualified person (preferably a professional) to take care of speaking on behalf of your business on the Internet.

So, if we do not take care of this point, we cannot expect that social networks for companies will be a place where we can find great benefits.

“Minimal” planning and “basic” knowledge of these platforms or tools are also necessary to avoid exposing our reputation too much throughout the process.

3) Self-promotion – I only advertise my products

How handsome I am! How big my muscles are! I don’t think there is any other company on social media more beautiful than mine!

If you really think this I think indonesia email list you have a problem.

Social platforms have been designed Having incomplete and created as a means of interrelation between people, not as a form of constant self-promotion of your business and its products and services.

That is why, if we do not offer some differentiating point or an extra touch of quality to our audience, and I only talk about myself, I will most likely end up being alone or tiring the majority.

4) Not responding to comments and forgetting that social media for businesses is also a two-way street

Related to the two previous copyright for work created by artificial intelligence points, if you don’t worry about listening to the needs of your audience you will be missing out on one of the main advantages of social networks for companies .

Likewise, another piece of advice phone database that you should listen to and that we find on the Internet in many blogs dedicated to the topic of Social Media, is to take advantage of the two-way nature that this channel provides us to relate to our Having incomplete environment and build customer loyalty.

5) Over-posting

Keep in mind that you are not the only one on social media , there are hundreds of thousands of people posting continuously.

For this reason, a brand’s strategy should not consist of drowning its audience with content, but rather prioritizing quality.

This is a very common mistake, especially on platforms like Facebook.

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