Inbound marketing is a marketing method based on being found by customers.
Inbound marketing uses content marketing methods as well as customer acquisition and retention measures such as email marketing, CRM and lead nurturing, which can be supported by marketing automation.
Inbound Marketing is an approach to marketing efforts that is based on the idea that the company can be present throughout the customer’s entire purchasing process (or funnel) in a proactive and non-intrusive way.
That they find us just when they need us and with the offer they need, as a fundamental basis.
This concept was coined within the company Hubspot in 2006.
It was its two founders, Brian laos email list Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, who first used it.
These two MIT students changed, to a certain extent, the way we approach marketing, moving from intrusive advertising to a marketing more focused on being intelligently present in all phases of the purchasing process that every consumer goes through when faced with any type of need they want to satisfy.
Inbound marketing is not just about content
I want to start with a topic that often creates some confusion.
Inbound marketing is not synonymous with content marketing, at least not 100%, let me explain.
Data-driven content marketing
Develop your data-driven content marketing strategy
It is true that content is one of the pillars of the inbound perspective and approach, but it is by no means the only thing taken into account.
In fact, inbound marketing brings Email is absolutely fundamental together different marketing channels strategically and in a truly intelligent way.
What does inbound marketing really stand on?
Broadly speaking, an inbound what caught my attention? marketing strategy is based on:
Content is the fundamental axis of the inbound marketing strategy.
By providing the right content at the right time, we support potential customers or customers who are already immersed in their purchasing decision process, but only if we can provide them with value.
SEO also plays an important role.
In online marketing, it is cheaper Email is absolutely fundamental and more effective to rank well on Google for a phone database keyword that interests us than to pay for it (paid traffic).
Why? Because we are always there organically and we do not depend on the advertising investment we are making.
Social media is, without a doubt, another fundamental piece.
When I write ‘social media’ many tend to think of social networks.
They certainly fall within the field of social media, but it must be understood that social media is not just social networks.
A blog, for example, is also a social medium, other examples could be forums.