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Purpose Driven Leadership

ROI from your event participation

Think in advance not only about your presence during the Purpose Driven event, but also about the phases before and after. Ensure optimal preparation, presence and aftercare. This way you get more ROI from your event participation!

1. Optimal preparation Purpose Driven

Think about, among other things:

  • Objective: what do you want to achieve with your participation in the event? Is event participation even the best way to achieve this objective? Do not hesitate to set a more ambitious objective than you are used to. After all, you still have time to make additional preparations so that you can actually expect a higher result. Determine what needs to happen at the event to actually realize your ambitious objective.
  • Target audience: is your target audience walking around at the event? Which prospects can you invite?
  • Role allocation and planning: which departments need to be involved before, during and after the event? Plan the preparatory actions, make people responsible and define deadlines. Make sure everyone meets their deadlines and step in where necessary.
  • KPIs: When is your event participation a success? How many email addresses, contacts, appointments, leads, contribution to pipeline etc. do you want to generate?
  • Location of your stand: request a floor plan and choose a strategic location. Look carefully at where many people will be. Where are the entrance/exit, main paths, toilets, lecture halls, terrace, catering or coffee bar?

2. Optimal presence Purpose Driven

  • It goes without saying that a distinctive stand with stopping power is important. Stand construction and activation are both separate professions and we will leave them out of consideration here.
  • Make sure you have the right stand staff . Not everyone finds it easy to actively approach visitors. But making contacts is of great importance for the ROI of your participation. Only bring your real sales tigers.
  • Visitors in turn do not always find it easy to uganda phone number library approach a stand. Therefore, do not limit yourself to your stand, but also speak to people in the aisles around your stand.
  • Brief your stand crew well on the KPIs. For example, if you mainly want to collect opt-ins for your newsletter, they will have to have a different conversation than if you want to have appointments to give a demo.
  • Think of 5 opening sentences to what is web analytics in seo and why do we need it approach someone. That makes the threshold 100% lower to initiate a first contact. If necessary, organize a training in advance to practice the opening and pitch.

3. Optimal aftercare Purpose Driven

Always follow up the event! Participating in an event and then going back to business as usual is a waste of your investment.

  • Make sure you have made agreements in advance about the follow- up . What are you going to follow up with? With what message and with what material? Who is going to follow up? Is Marketing going to do this? Sales? An external party? Whatever choice you make, reserve sufficient time and possibly budget in advance.
  • Don’t miss any opportunities and don’t limit the follow-up to the contacts that were spoken at the event. The best thing is if you receive a list from the event organization with participants who agree to contact from the exhibitors/sponsors. Then follow up on all of them.
  • Please note that serious follow-up takes time . Our experience is that you can complete an average of 2 contacts per hour. A follow-up list with 50 contacts will quickly cost you at least 50 (call) hours and around 150-200 call attempts. Not everyone is immediately reachable or available for a conversation.
  • Everyone has just been to the event for 1 or more days, so the follow-up is on top of the work that has been left undone. So really block the agendas in advance for the follow-up and make clear agreements. For example, that everything must be followed up within a week. If necessary, draw up a general e-mail that the stand crew can send on their own behalf the day after the event, as a precursor to the actual follow-up.
  • Still not enough time? Outsource your follow-up . If you don’t follow up with the prospect, your competitor will. After all, there were more suppliers at the event!
  • Make it measurable . For example, give an event a campaign code so that you can track leads in the funnel and attribute them to the event.
  • Evaluate and learn. What did visitors think of the stand, how did competitors present themselves, did the proposition/opening sentence/activation etc. work? Were the KPIs sufficiently achieved?

Event participation can be an effective way to bosnia and herzegovina leads generate new business. But it is not something you can just do on the side. If you want to get the most out of it, you need time, money and commitment from everyone involved. Before, during and after the event.

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