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The Charm of a Personal Brand How a Business Leader Can Become a Public Person (and Survive)

More and more companies realize that the “person-to-person” relationship model works better than “company-to-customer.” And more and more managers understand how important their personal brand is for the company’s development. Let’s figure out how to become the “voice” of your own business, what are the pros and cons of a manager’s publicity.

Request for identity

Stand out or die. Any marketer knows that to successfully promote a company, they need clear positioning. And an inevitable part of positioning is a phone number library clear answer to the question of how you differ from competitors. Usually, it makes managers sad, because objectively most companies and products are similar to each other. For example, in the performance agency market, everyone promises good results, works with famous clients, trains employees, shows cases. And although each agency is different from the other, for an outside observer they are all similar.

If a brand is associated with a charismatic founder or manager, this in itself distinguishes it from the line of twins. Thanks to Fedor Ovchinnikov, Dodo Pizza differs from thousands of other pizzerias, and thanks to Artemy Lebedev, Artemy Lebedev Studio is on everyone’s lips. Therefore, if your business or product does not have any noticeable differences, you can always bet on a person who is unique by definition.


Almost no image for the query “Artemy Lebev Studio” is complete without Artemy Lebev

People are interest in people. There are very few who can represent the company? brands whose advertising is interesting to follow or whose public pages you want to subscribe to, and a lot of bloggers who collect armies of subscribers. This is not surprising, since it is boring to deal with a lifeless machine, which is any business. It is much more interesting to follow a person with his personal story, way of thinking, ups and downs. As a cyprus business directory result, customers are better involv in communication, feel more trust, buy more often and are ready to stay with a business if they like its leader. Therefore, more and more companies are trying to “personalize” relationships and communicate not on behalf of the brand, but on behalf of the person.

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