AARRR To! It’s time to think about Growth Hacker metrics

AARRR To! It’s time to think about Growth Hacker metrics by Victor Campuzano | June 30, 2016 | Growth Hacking Methodology | 10 Comments Discover AARRR or how Growth Hackers classify their project metrics and some tips on how to apply them. Focus, Vic, Focus. Not the Ford, you are from Peugeot. Focus of “oh, don’t be distracted, let this come out quickly, the prize deserves it.” Amos, for the prize I am able to clean the entire house, but with windows and everything (even vacuuming the frames and the blinds). For the prize I am able to call Iván Ferreiro and convince him to give me a concert based on “come on, please,

and everything

please, please”, of course, to the rhythm of Turnedo. For the Maaaaa-to award. Come on, time is top industry data running out! Hello! How about you doing? You missed me? If not, don’t answer me, but then you will worry me and I will think that you didn’t miss me. If yes, tell me it fills me up. I say, seriously. How are you handling everything? Tell me tell me! I’m here, super busy. More than you imagine. Let’s say I’m in that phase that all productivity evangelists call “crisis” and I spend the day doing tasks that go directly to the Urgent and Important quadrant .

super busy

To give you an example: changing the desktop wallpaper on my new Mac or finding the photo that shows that my little sister dates an almost Phone Number ES exact replica of the protagonist of American Pie… Oops. Delete it! Of course, as there are many, those of Important but not Urgent become Urgent and start over. But I will be able to sweep my chimney even if it is with help, what a good chimney sweep who sweeps me will be! . Anyway, okay, I’ll leave it, I’m nervous. Do you remember that post I published recently about “What’s left over on your blog” ? Do you remember that I said that I would talk about pirate metrics soon 

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