Black Friday: when is too early to start talking about the event?

It is more than evident that the last quarter of the year is usually the busiest for retail businesses. For example, in 2022, online sales worldwide during the Black Friday weekend reached an all-time high of $9 billion . Additionally, 77% of consumers plan to reduce their spending in the month leading up to the milestone day so they can splurge when the time comes.

With data like this

it’s no wonder you want to prepare and launch your Black Friday campaigns in advance. But is there an ideal time to do it? And when would be too soon? The answer to those questions depends on Lebanon Phone Number List your customers.

Start by analyzing your customer data to understand their typical behaviors and adapt your campaigns accordingly.

If you are already thinking about your marketing strategy, try our platform today and discover the power of SMS.


They offer multiple possibilities of use:

Lebanon Phone Number List

Launch of promotions, with detailed explanations about the types of discounts and methods of use.
Launch of new products and services, with UK Phone Number List presentation images and/or videos .
Opening of new headquarters, with maps to get to them.
Publication of menus from restaurants, rural houses, etc.

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