Do they have a good experience?

Customers who contracted COVID didn’t necessarily go to the trouble of canceling their reservation. Up to this point you already know what a Buyer Persona is and what its importance is within a commercial company. So the time has come to go a little further by presenting some variants of this concept:

Audience Persona:

It is an adaptation that adapts to marketing campaigns that aim to reach the audience and not the buyers. As generally happens on social networks, video platforms or streaming services.
Proto Persona: It is a characterization of the Ukraine Phone Number List public that is carried out in the first phases of a company’s development when real data is not available. Answer the question: What characteristics our potential buyers have?
Brand Persona: It is the definition of the desired characteristics of a company. It allows you to learn more about your brand, including its values ​​and communication style. You can also apply this concept to learn more about your competitors.
User Persona: This last variant applies to the digital world. It is represented by users who access a web page or any other similar resource. Do they fulfill their purpose?

Is there a Negative Buyer Persona?

Ukraine Phone Number List

The answer is yes! Generally, companies want to learn more about their potential buyers: That group made up of people they hope will become recurring customers. Now: What happens to those people who for some reason or another we do not want to approach our company? .

And although it may sound paradoxical, sometimes it is convenient Azerbaijan Phone Number List to discard certain groups of people to concentrate on other more convenient ones.

A good example is people who, due to some of their characteristics, aim to become isolated clients. It will be best to focus your marketing efforts on those who are likely to make repeat purchases.

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