This solution also offers services for marketing automation , guiding prospects along their purchasing journey towards converting into real customers through, for example, email marketing campaigns. Furthermore, the tool is widely us International sales at Hotmart: expand your global reach to manage content , with features for companies to International sales at Hotmart: expand your global reach schule, publish and analyze posts on their social mia profiles. Discover 3 features of this RD Station marketing automation tool.

WhatsApp Messages This function of RD Station Marketing allows you to send messages to potential customers through the most us instant messaging application in Brazil: WhatsApp. With the integration between a WhatsApp Business account and the profile in the RD Station tool, your brand can create, segment, schule and trigger automatic messages for leads and regular customers.

Email marketing

channels for advertising products and services to prospects. The email marketing feature of this RD Station tool allows you to choose from more than 100 content t interact with your leads and customers in their inboxes. With the help of the tool’s itor, you can VP Financial Email Lists create emails relat to commercial and seasonal dates , such as Black Friday and Christmas, and interact authentically with readers. The function promises a delivery rate of 99% of emails creat, in addition to other contact segmentation features.

Twitter and Facebook

VP Financial Email Lists

Social Mia Management The millions of users that social networks bring together in Brazil make these platforms excellent virtual places to prospect customers and close sales. To facilitate contact with leads in these mia, RD Sng offers functions that allow you to post simultaneously on networks such as LinkIn , Twitter and Facebook.

Furthermore, this feature analyzes the results obtain from actions on social networks, measuring the engagement of each post and the number of clicks receiv on the links includ in the bios of your company’s profiles on different social mia. See also : Instagram Bio: 10 Examples to Create Yours what is it and what are the main features of rd station crm What is and what are the main features of RD Statiall the tips and Guatemala Phone Number actions into acton CRM? This other solution develop by Resultados Digitais aims to organize and automate commercial processes and tasks to ensure greater control and productivity for sales teams.

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