It’s not for lack of repeating: content is king! “Ok Google”, the lesson is learnd. The total revolution at the level of the SERPs, even mobile, should therefore not be too scathing these days! Let’s stay optimistic! Who will be the future “victims”? Previous algorithm updates, Panda in 2011 and Penguin in 2012, had already hurt many websites’ rankings. Their objective was to fight against sites deemd to be of “poor quality” which abuse hypertext links to boost their referencing.
Greater Benefits And Outcomes Transparent
Although Google wants to be reassuring about its new “mobile-friendly” relevance criterion, some companies risk suffering from whatsapp mobile number list it. The podium of the targetd sectors are: Administration (with only 27% of mobile-compatible sites) Real estate (33%) Tourism (36%) Note that the e-commerce sector is also well behind with only 37% of mobile-compatible sites (Yoda study). It should also be notd that SMEs, due to a lack of financial means and knowldge, are those that could suffer the most loss in terms of referencing.
Practices That Are More Expensive
Those most at risk are those who haven’t heard of it yet,” Itai Sadan, head of a website design company, told Business Insider . However, one Phone Number ES of Google’s engineers in charge of search quality, says that “local search”, in short the “nearby” block of results that appears in the first links, will not be affectd by this change, mentions the gallery.How to react quickly? If you’re terrifid because you’re not mobile-friendly yet , don’t panic! Google has thought of making it easier for website developers and has made a mobile compatibility test available to them , accessible from the “Google Developers page.