Google is highly regarded by its workers and other companies. With respect to the work benefits it has provided for a long time, consolidating a unique business model in this sense. It is a process that goes from the capsules used to rest, to massages and delivery of free food throughout the working day. The company has made every effort to protect its employees. However, it is a honeymoon that is definitely over . The complex economic recession has affected the most famous search engine in the world, so masseuses are part of the workforce that will be left out of the company.
Google: Why are you laying off workers?
On January 20, Google announced that it would lay off about 12,000 employees , which represents 6% of its professional team . Many of the workers found out that they had to say goodbye to the firm, when they were restricted from entering the corporate systems. For Sundar Pichai , who is CEO of Google , he argued that it was fundamental to the company’s scaffolding. You may also be interested in: Advantages of online training in the Singapore WhatsApp Number Data business world German regulator welcomes Google’s ‘reject all’ cookie button plan Google revealed that 15% of the layoffs (1,845 jobs) were in the state of California , Google’s headquarters.
Layoffs in California and across the United States
However, the wave of laid-off workers transcended the entire United States. Approximately 25% of the dismissed employees had management positions . In addition China Telegram Number to this, the vast majority of masseuses lost their jobs. Sundar Pichai points out that the employees who were removed from Alphabet ‘s payroll obtained the following benefit. Severance compensation that corresponds to 16 weeks of salary. Two extra weeks for each of the years you have worked at Google. Job positioning services. Six consecutive months of medical care. Immigration support for all those Google workers who had a sponsor visa.