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How many channels to use

To limit yourself to one social network or to use all where your clients may be, that is the question? – Hamlet was tormented.

Dmitry Sidorin , founder and CEO of Sidorin Lab:


It’s good when a public figure is easy to google. Search engines like to give social networks top positions, and this is great from the point mobile phone number data of view of managing the reputation of a public figure. Firstly, because the person is easy to find, and secondly, because if something unflattering was written about him on some site, this site will be lower in the search results.


When searching for “For Ovchinnikov”, For’s social mia accounts and his article on vc.ru come out on top

Although the better the manager is present in the information field, the better. Again, the more channels you use, the less of a blow to the from the first like how to choose a social network for your business business will be if one of them is block. At the same time, you ne to soberly assess your resources. Duplicating content on different platforms is a bad idea. Each channel will require creating its own unique content, and this is a lot of labor, both for creating content and for developing the channel (most likely, posts and videos will have to be advertis, answer subscribers’ questions, etc.)

One option is to focus on developing 1-2 channels and support the rest occasionally, for example, by occasionally publishing articles in the media.

Dmitry Sidorin , founder and CEO of Sidorin Lab:

There is a life hack if you are a business manager. Get columns in famous publications, do reviews of your industry – this is a good way to form your image. You can register an account on VC.RU, on Snob and write articles there. For example, I am a Forbes contributor – I write articles about reputation management as an external journalist.

What formats to use

To prevent a manager from burning out, you cyprus business directory  need to choose a format and pace that is comfortable for him. Some people like to write longreads, some prefer short posts, and some hate writing but love to talk. Therefore, it is important to decide whether the manager will run a blog/social media or write articles. Or a copywriter will interview him and write for him. Or it will be videos or podcasts.


Vladimir Yakovlev, founder of the Kommersant Publishing House, is developing the Age of Happiness project and hosting the video column Yakovlev on Mondays

A good way to generate a lot of content is to use cross-format, when a video interview with a manager can be turned into a podcast, the podcast into a longread, and from the longread you can collect thoughts for several posts on social networks.

What to talk about

As a rule, top officials devote their blogs to talking about:

  • what the company lives by,
  • what the industry is living through (news, reviews and research),
  • what they are good at, as experts (marketers talk about marketing, dentists talk about how to treat teeth).

Some focus on one thing, some mix themes; some stay within professional boundaries, while others add something personal.

For example, Alena Vladimirskaya, who some consider to be the “main hunter of the RuNet,” often talks in her posts about how the employment situation is changing in different industries, where and what specialists are in demand, and from where, on the contrary, one should flee.



Post from Facebook by Alena Vladimirskaya

Artem Gazarov, founder of two dental clinics “White Rainbow”, talks a lot about prevention and treatment of teeth. Almost 250 thousand people follow him on Instagram.

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