How should you optimize a profile on Google My Business?

Open a Gmail account.
Check the availability of your business listing. Typically, this does not exist until you create it, but in other cases Google generates it automatically. Whatever the case, claim your token through the “Are you the owner of this company?” field.
Verify your new profile by entering certain information such as zip code or authentication services via SMS or email.
Enter your NAP (name, address, telephone number) making sure that the data entered is the same as what appears on your website.
Include the category that fits your type of business.

A information about the products or services you offer

Post and include photos of your business on your Google My Business profile.
Once people write reviews about your business, engage with France Phone Number List them to optimize your online reputation.
As an additional tip, include on your website the code that Google Maps assigns to your business so that they are linked. That will help more people find you.

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