Telegram is one of the most used messaging applications worldwide. The program offers, among other things, encryption of communications made between all parties. But, if you no longer want to use Telegram and want to delete your account because you want to use another. More interesting application – or simply delete your account. This tutorial will help you with several processes to delete your account. So, if you create a strong password and keep your login information protected (as well as your internet-connected devices), the risks are drastically minimized.
What are the risks of using Telegram?
Like any application that requires an internet connection , Telegram also has its vulnerabilities. The main ones include the theft of your access data, allowing the hacking of your information. In March 2022 there was a blockade against Telegram in Brazil . After complying with the determinations India Mobile Number Data made by Brazilian authorities, the application was allowed again in the country, but there are still uncertainties about its use in the national territory (and in other countries as well), including questions about the lack of filtering against groups that spread misinformation. Even so, the application is quite secure and has encryption tools.
What you should know before deleting your Telegram
Deleting your Telegram account is a one-way journey. Before making this decision, you need to know a few things. Deactivating your Telegram account will India Phone Number List completely delete all contacts from your list. As well as all your groups, channels and messages. There is no way to undo the deactivation of your account. If you resume using Telegram, you will not be able to recover any messages, channels, groups or contacts that were previously available on the account you deleted. If none of these three pieces of information is really a problem for you, then let’s continue the tutorial.