If we are talking about round timber Here is the information that should be available to buyers wishing to purchase such products:
name of the species; conditions of keeping and breeding.
The rules for the sale of certain types
of goods contain a number of additional requirements for certain types of wild animals. You can read about them in paragraph 52 of the RF Government Resolution of 31.12.2020 No. 246.
A receipt for the purchase of goods of this type phone number list is issued upon request of the client.
Find out how
Building materials
and sawn timber, buyers need to be informed (information must be posted in a place accessible for study) about the coefficients by which the volume of round timber and sawn timber is related to their dense cubic mass. And also about how the cubic capacity of such materials is calculated.
If the buyer asks, the seller is obliged to explain how building materials and products made from them are measured.
Even if the client has his own transpor, o cost and features of ordering layout of letters for email newsletters rganizing the conditions for the removal of timber and construction materials is the responsibility of the seller.
The check, as in previous cases, is issued only at the client’s request.
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Other products
For clothing, fabrics, footwear, fur products, consumer packaging is required if the buyer requires it. He should not pay extra for it.
Assembly of purchased furniture is a separate paid service.
However, in some cases, assembly may be included in the price of the product or provided free of charge as part of a promotion.
When buying perfume, the customer needs to be given the opportunity to smell the product. For this purpose, there are testers and paper strips (to apply a particular scent).
It is prohibited to test aerosols containing household chemicals indoors.
Before placing pesticides and agrochemicals on the sales floor, it is necessary to make sure that their packaging is not damaged.
When selling non-periodical publications, buyers should have the opportunity to view their contents in order to make a choice, as well as check the quality of the products they have already paid for.
For gas stations, the rules for the sale of certain types of goods require the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel that meet the characteristics of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and fuel oil” (TR CU 013/2011).
The presence of relevant documents is mandatory for products made from wildlife species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
When selling clothing, footwear, fur, fabrics, and furniture, a receipt is issued to the buyer only upon request.
Read also!
Rules of sale in distance and door-to-door trade
Rules for the sale of certain types of goods in the distance and door-to-door sales segments.
Remote trading (via the Internet)
Resolution No. 2463 introduced both concessions executive list and requirements for sellers selling remotely that did not exist before.
For example, if a customer returns a piece of jewelry, complex equipment or a vehicle purchased from