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Brand recognition and its importance for brands

The fear of having a business forgotten, or even not importance for brands even being seen, is great. However, there is something that Marketing analysts and managers can and should do to eliminate this possibility: Brand Recognition.

After all, the main concerns of those who have or want to have a business are: what can I do to reach the public? What if my company doesn’t grow? What if no one buys what I sell?

With Recognition, that cliché “if you think of pizza, you think of Pizzeria X” is real and can happen with your brand or your client’s.

What is Brand Recognition?

Brand Recognition is exactly what the name says, when the brand is recognized by its audience. But more than just that, it is when the audience sees the brand buy telemarketing data as a reference and authority.

In this case, recognition is not just about knowing the brand, but also seeing it as a good company, as these importance for brands  are two very different things.

Some of the most famous Brazilian companies, such as Itaú, Havaianas, Bombril, are examples of highly recognized brands, because they work very well on recognition.

This means that almost anyone can recognize them just by their logo (even if they don’t have a name) or slogan, so much so that some of them even become slang, like “1001 uses.”

Why is this recognition important for brands?

So far, we have only talked about giant companies that have been established for years, but know that Brand Recognition is important even for micro-businesses.

In these cases, perhaps even more so, because this is when entrepreneurs need their service to be seen, known, remembered and desired. It is from this recognition that the business begins to stand out from the rest and begins to grow.

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A practical example

A small supermarket in your city that has a logo and it is used on a well-crafted facade, on the employees’ uniforms, on the packaging, and is present on billboards and all social networks.

The other one only has a name, but they use generic packaging, without a facade, and the boosting long-tail rankings with the right anchor text employees wear home clothes and the online and offline media are not worked on.

Among them, which one will be the most recognized? In the vast majority of cases, the first one, because the brand is very well developed! Therefore, no matter the size of the business, recognition must be worked on, because it is a way to awaken, delight, attract and retain the customer .

And when you do all this, it becomes much easier to have loyal customers, and thus gain word-of-mouth advertising (a marketing technique that will never go out of use).

Furthermore, when you hear good things about a brand from one or more people, what does it start to gain? Credibility, even from people who have not yet consumed what the business offers.

So, when leads are thinking about buying something or hiring a service. It is the business that worked on Brand Recognition that they will remember.

How to achieve good Recognition?

First of all, you need to know that this is a medium to long-term result. It won’t happen uae phone number overnight, and that’s why it needs to be built as soon as possible.

Define your ideal client

Being recognized doesn’t mean shouting the brand’s name in the middle of the street and “whoever heard it, heard it.” This only makes the brand speak for itself, and whoever speaks for themselves doesn’t make any noise.

In other words, it must define who it wants to hear and buy it, of course. Based on this decision, all strategic planning must focus on these people.

Build (or rebuild) Branding

Are your visual identity, communication, slogan, colors, packaging, and everything that represents a brand’s image well-formulated? Do they speak to your ideal customer? Are they present in every detail of that customer’s experience?

For Brand Recognition, these elements are essential, after all, a brand is recognized by its image, right? And Branding is about that!

Maintain a good relationship with the public

Netflix, despite being renowned for years, would not be as well-known if it did not use social media as a tool to captivate and get closer to its users.

This relationship is essential, because a beautiful logo alone does not give credibility.  And does not arouse desire in anyone. Therefore, the brand must speak to its audience to the point where they create a real connection with it.

Be present

An example: someone told you about a great restaurant and you wanted to go.  But when you looked it up online to find out about the menu and opening hours. You couldn’t find any website or social media for the place.

But in the meantime, you managed to find a bar with a full menu. Prices, opening hours, photos of the place, etc. The chances of choosing the second option are much higher, right?

This is just one example, because in addition to social media, there are advertisements on television. Radio and offline media such as flyers, billboards and banners. Once again, it all depends on the audience.



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