The restaurant and beauty sectors have also a considerable improvement in their activities. Browsing the web, giving a like on Facebook, sending a video, making a banking transaction… today the capacity to generate data is such that a smartphone has more processing capacity than NASA when humans on the moon. And this only with respect to user.
On the other hand, the rise of the from their sensors, it is that by 2025 there may be more than 10,000 billion objects.
The term Big Data refers to amounts of data with such a level of volume and complexity that they cannot be by conventional software.
Since its beginnings, the characteristics of Big Data have been define
Data volume
Speed with which these are , and decisions are made from them
Variety of sources from which the data comes
Currently, the number of vees has been increasing with new concepts such as:
Veracity that implies extracting high-quality data and leaving aside those that have greater unpredictability
I value the importance of bringing to light the rele data for each specific use and being able to make them profitable
Unlike conventional Tunisia Phone Number List systems that data sources such as databases in a ready-to-process format, Big Data obtains data from various sources, including both and data. This data is , and storedbut instead of being into a single source, it is in a distributed manner, thus providing large data. They can be and among several processors. Being , the search and analysis of the data is done at a greater speed to address the analysis of all this data.
Big Data uses logic on algorithms
I can use different branches of artificial intelligence, as well as predictive and prescriptive models. Finally, the value is from the data in the form of behavioral patterns, purchase Armenia Phone Number List predictions or identification of new business opportunities.