Make your customers feel special by sending them exclusive offers

SMS campaign is not measured by open rate alone: ​​conversion rate also plays an important role. So how can you create a mobile messaging experience that not only grabs attention but also improves your conversion rate?

How to improve the conversion of your clients thanks to SMS

Personalize each text message
Send exclusive offers
Create a sense of urgency
Offer an omnichannel experience
Create and drive exclusivity
1. Personalize each text message
Nearly three-quarters of consumers Ghana Phone Number List them and what their interests are. Additionally, a personalized ad converts 10 times more than a non-personalized one . So if you’ve mainly been sending mass text messages and the same generic message to all your subscribers, it’s time to try personalization.

Here are some examples:

Ghana Phone Number List

Use your client’s name. This is data that you should have in your database. Our SMS messaging solutions will allow you to add a personalization token that will make a mass message be Pakistan Phone Number List perceived as individual.
Participate in two-way conversations via SMS . You can learn more about your customers’ needs and preferences, information you can then use to send personalized recommendations.
Trigger messages based on real-time events. Think about abandoned cart reminders, birthdays, or notable dates for your users.
2. Send exclusive offers
. People are less likely to reveal their phone number compared to their email addresses, so make sure that offers shared via SMS are even better than offers shared via email.

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