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My year 2023 in marketing

So I can finally do a yearly review on my website. For the last 3 years I’ve been doing an honest review at least in Google Keep. In February I (finally) set up a personal website. That’s what it took.

1. Own website

After being online for almost 8 years, it’s a shame that I  gambling data russia only got my own website this year. Originally, I wanted to have a website that would reflect all my areas of interest (marketing, history, real estate, investing, personal development, and some very clever thinking about the world). In the end, I decided not to make it a goulash for maniacs (yet) and focus the website purely on the areas of marketing that I enjoy and am dedicated to.

After 10 months of operation, I have to say that the website, together with an averagely active LinkedIn, can bring interesting demand and open new doors. Moreover, I really enjoy both! Thanks to everyone who pushed me to do this.

From a professional perspective, I was quite surprised by the performance of the new website for the term ” SEO consultant “, where the brand new page ranks somewhere between 3rd and 4th place on Google.

Fuck-up: About two months ago I thought it was strange that I hadn’t received a single lead. So I tested it out and found out that one of my 20 Gmail filters was throwing it into the trash. I apologize to everyone whose inquiries I responded to in the past 4 months. Well, it happens. There wasn’t time.

2. Ending at a marketing agency
The turn of the year also means a gradual winding down and termination of my work for Taste, where I was first an SEO consultant and later a marketing strategist for over 3.5 years. I value this experience immensely. It was fun and a daily challenge all in one. During that time, I got to see so many businesses, meet so many interesting people, and tackle a million different tasks that I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do as a freelancer.

Plus, I really enjoyed life at the agency with the great people! Now I’m looking forward to the change of pace I needed.

I’m quite curious if I’ll miss that certain sense of belonging and trolling in the team. I think so. Phew.

3. Content websites
Now that we’ve gotten the pathos out of the way, let’s get to some numbers. This year I’ve spent the least amount of time on content websites in the 7 years since I started this hobby. The reasons are:

I want to do something more valuable and productive.
Google updates
search and AI development
I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to.
it’s hard work

What did I change on the websites in 2023?


I have two great editors-in-chief who manage everything why indie game developers should be paying attention to data analytics  themselves.
I added a reward for quality copywriters
two redesigns

The result is ultimately quite satisfactory. Net income is once again the highest I have ever had. Unfortunately, the traffic is the same thanks to the updates. However, the big bonus is that I spent about half the time on this activity compared to last year. I devoted more time to my personal website, the ZAKERI e-shop and clients. Of course, I am aware that I am benefiting from what I have earned on weekends and evenings in previous years.

I didn’t even reach 1,000,000 organic visits from Google search this year (excluding Google News and Google Discovery). Altogether I was around a little over 700,000. The goal for this year is to get more $$$ from this traffic. I’m flirting with the idea of ​​turning off AdSense.

Oh, and there was also an offer to buy the website  thailand data this year, which I of course categorically refused. I have a lot of IKEA influence here and I can’t accept the market price for something I’ve put so much time, sweat, and love into.

What I really appreciate about websites is that I can maintain continuity and I haven’t had any issues with them this year either.

4. ZAKERI e-shop
Building your own e-shop is a school.

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