Plan your SMS marketing campaign step by step to sell more on Black Friday


First of all, it is important to know which are the best days to send your promotions during the month of November, it is key to the success of your campaigns.

When it is finally time to write, you must know how to convey the message of your Black Friday campaign in a maximum of 160 characters. Remember that:

You must project urgency in the message

Customize the sender
Add a direct call to action (CTA)
Give the option to unsubscribe
In a digital world where everyone is competing for Armenia WhatsApp Number List customer attention, standing out from the crowd is more difficult than ever. Through SMS for businesses you can create engaging experiences that build stronger relationships with customers and boost your sales.

Emergency Communications SMS Examples

Armenia WhatsApp Number List

We are experiencing an increase in cases of [insert health concern] across the school. If your child has any symptoms, please keep him/her away from school and notify us as soon as possible. Thank you, [school name]
SCHOOL CLOSING. Dear [name], due Ukraine WhatsApp Number Listto [insert issue], we will close the school starting [insert dates] and continue with remote classes. Visit [insert link] for more information or reply HELP for more help.
Alerts and reminders
SMS are ideal for keeping families informed and reminding them of important events such as parties and celebrations, the start of activities and, as mentioned above, unforeseen cancellations or closures, even with late notice.

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