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Prepare for inspections and force majeure

The more popular a manager becomes, the more often information about him will be check for authenticity. In order for information to be confirm from different sources, it is necessary to prepare the ground and fill encyclopia sites that aggregate data about individuals and companies.

Dmitry Sidorin, founder and CEO of Sidorin Lab:

My personal list consists of thirty encyclopedias. What should I write about them? Write key facts about the first person: wife, children, career, accurate mobile phone number list sports, sat, didn’t sit. If you don’t write it, someone will write it for you. Naturally, make these texts unique, because search engines value uniqueness. Take a few cool photo shoots of the first person. Use unique pictures, they will reach the top in Yandex and Google. Let them be beautiful business photos, not photos from Odnoklassniki against the background of a carpet.

Think in advance about what topics are best not to raise, how to communicate with people on social networks, and how to behave if the situation gets out of control.

Dmitry Sidorin , founder and CEO of Sidorin Lab:

On the one hand, everyone wants popularity, hea drysdale vị trí của người subscribers and growth, on the other hand, you may not be ready for this popularity. Write yourself instructions in advance on what to do when everything goes wrong, since your attempts to resolve the situation on the fly will only make things worse. Do not talk about politics, Crimea, Ukraine, religion, gender issues. Decide how to act if you are wrong: apologize, do not apologize? Do not try to argue with the crowd, especially, respond to aggression with aggression – you are the first person, you will not be forgiven for this.

The article was written following cyprus business directory Dmitry Sidorin’s speech at a meetup on b2b marketing, which was held by the Marilyn marketing automation platform in March 2020. 

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