Once the company has decided on a brand persona (let’s say it’s a business manager), it’s necessary to do some preparatory work: choose social networks or media, agree on what topics to communicate about and what not to mention, and how to behave if something goes wrong.
What channels to use
It makes sense to go where your company’s target audience is. If we talk about third-party platforms, these are social networks, author columns or whatsapp data blogs in the media (Snob, vc.ru, habr), video hosting sites (YouTube, Vimeo), podcast services (Apple Podcasts, Yandex.Music, SoundCloud). The advantage of third-party platforms is that they already have the necessary target audience. The disadvantage is that you do not control the platform and may face the following risks (they mostly relate to social networks).
You can lose your account. Sometimes an anonymous complaint that you are using someone else’s content or that the account does not belong to you is enough. If you already have a lot of subscribers, it will be a shame.
Danila Korostelev, marketing director of
Batiskaf, was blocked on Instagram for allegedly impersonating someone else. The support service did not investigate. He had to create a new account
Your account can be stolen. Social media accounts some interesting facts about facebook can be hacked and people can start writing on your behalf or sending out dubious requests.
My VKontakte account was hacked and they tried to commit fraud on my behalf. It wasn’t very pleasant
Your account can be forged. Few people think about it, but the accounts of popular people are starting to be copied. It is not necessary to be a world-famous person, it is enough to just have authority in your industry.
Dmitry Sidorin , founder and CEO of Sidorin Lab:
They often do this – they create an absolute copy of cyprus business directory an account. For example, Alexey Fursin, the head of the Department of Science and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow, wrote a year ago that his double had appeared on Facebook. The double copies his life, posts the same things, and adds himself to the real Fursin’s friends. Gradually, he begins to replace him in his friends’ feed: there was one Fursin, now there is another. And when the double is convinced that he is more popular than the real Fursin, he can write whatever he wants on his behalf. Fake News in action.
Social networks try to protect an account by marking it with a special icon, indicating that it really belongs to the “original” and not a double, but, firstly, not all public figures protect their accounts, and secondly, not all users know and pay attention to these icons.