Protests in Peru: Millionaire losses to the economy

Despite the deepening of the protests in Peru, Álex Contreras, Minister of Economy and Finance. Does not feel concerned about the economic situation in 2023, since it has maintained an average growth that is around 3% . However, in the MEF there is fear about the influence that the social upheaval. Is causing on the national economic scenario, fundamentally in production. At the moment, there is a loss in GDP that reaches S/ 2,150 million , where S/ 1,000 million was only lost in December of last year ; Meanwhile, the other S/ 1,150 so far in January.

Loss of GDP in the Peruvian economy

In a press conference with local media, Contreras emphasized that “The losses are basically in GDP. In economic activity, in production that was not generated either due to loss of products or due to the closure of services or businesses. Two growth scenarios Considering the existing situation. The ministry is studying two scenarios on Peru’s economic growth for the current Laos Telegram Number Data quarter. In the first instance, it is under a protest scheme , there the GDP would have a growth of around 2% . The second scenario is more optimistic, since an eradication of the conflict would generate growth of 3% . In December alone, the marketing of formal businesses was reduced by S/16.5 billion due to the protests.

Favorable economic projections

You may also be interested in: Tips for buying online in ecommerce increase for public workers will begin on january.  Prensa Although the most feared projection in the Singapore Email List ministry is a stagnation in growth. The 2% level for this quarter is complex for it to occur . According to what was released by BBVA Research , prior to the coup d’état and the social uprising in Peru, it was already projecting a growth between the months of January and March of 2.3% . Currently, with the context of the protests, the economic outlook is more critical. For Hugo Perea , who is chief economist at BBVA Research, he points out that “This scenario that has developed after the coup d’état has even raised political tensions above what we anticipated in the risk scenario.

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