Should I invest now in my own warehouse or not

Should I invest now in my own warehouse or not. I think I already mentioned it a long time ago. Moving to a larger warehouse was one of our plans at the beginning of the year. Right now there is an opportunity to take the step. I am not 100% clear if I should do it taking into account that we are in the Christmas season where it is good to have liquidity to be able to invest and take advantage of opportunities that arise.

Advantages of having your own warehouse

Advantages of having your own warehouse. It is not only the point of having your own warehouse but above all a larger one. The available space would double. In the end, more space would still be needed taking into account the business growth plans we have. Putting money email contact list into your own premises makes sense because we save the cost of rent. We would possibly pay less in mortgage than what we are paying right now. Cash flow would improve slightly.

Disadvantages of having your own warehouse

Disadvantages of having your own warehouse. The main disadvantages are summarized in owning a property. Any damage falls on you and not the owner. It is also an important investment so the capital that could be invested in the product would go to the premises. Now is the time to invest aggressively in product. The optimal thing would be to have this opportunity in January.

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