SMS can help you improve your marketing promotions strategy

Research has revealed that the average open rate of an SMS message is as high as 98% and that 90% of text messages are read within 90 seconds of delivery . With engagement rates like that, it’s no surprise that SMS is an essential marketing communications channel for busy times like Black Friday.

If used appropriately,  , whether to expand your reach or improve engagement. Here are some tips to help ensure the success of your Black Friday SMS marketing campaign .

1. Personalize your message

According to a global survey we conducted of over 4,000 consumers, 29% of consumers subscribe to multi-brand messaging services, but are only willing to receive text messages from 1 to 3 brands at most. This statistic reveals the untapped potential of personal channels, such as mobile messaging channels.

That said, the solution is not to reuse the same materials you use for your email or direct mail marketing campaigns. In the mobile space, messages must be clear and concise. It’s great that consumers are open to Latvia Phone Number List accepting new channels with higher conversion rates. But then we have to be able to adapt our message to be more precise, compared to an email or direct mail promotion.

So, while we can use SMS to reach more customers and maximize engagement, if our goal is to move customers along the purchasing journey, we will need to tailor messages to the channel, industry and individual recipient.

2. Maintain a consistent experience

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That brings us to the question of multichannel and omnichannel communication strategies. The key is not to be present on as many channels as possible, but to ensure that consumers can switch from one channel to Uganda Phone Number List another and feel that they are still interacting with the same brand.

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