SMS Marketing to Boost B2B Sales in 2023

According to the latest studies, 48% of the people surveyed use their smartphone between 4 and 8 hours a day. Additionally, 7 out of 10 people check notifications less than five minutes. If we take into account that we rarely leave our mobile phone behind, it is not surprising that, in 2021, 57% of CEOs and marketing specialists increased the budget allocated to SMS marketing.

While marketing SMS is the ideal solution for B2C companies, it can also work perfectly in the B2B sector. Text messages allow you to reach customers immediately. As if this were not enough, SMS also offer impressive open rates that reach up to 95%. Therefore, they are almost four times more likely to be opened than an email , which can go unnoticed or end up in the spam folder .

When to use SMS marketing

1. Communication with clients
Companies are aware that communication with customers and the development of lasting relationships with them must be among their top priorities. Other ways to strengthen ties with customers are to offer quality Colombia WhatsApp Number List content or free trials, as well as organize webinars or different events. If we add to this the sending of professional SMS , we can improve the effectiveness of our communications and ensure that customers are informed of upcoming events, offers, free demos or news about certain products and sectors of activity.

Make it clear to your clients that you care about taking care of the relationship you have with them and show them that, to you, they are much more than a number. These initiatives can help you improve your reputation, in addition to consolidating your position with respect to the competition.

2. Acquisition of new potential clients

Colombia WhatsApp Number List

Sending marketing SMS is an excellent tool to attract new potential customers through promotional communications . For example, you can send discounts or special offers to Sweden WhatsApp Number List your customers to encourage them to make purchases.

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