Successful Marketing Automation

Successful marketing automation? The one you can customize for your leads marco targa – 1 february 2022 marketing automation marketing automation . As we know. Brings a series of concrete advantages to maximize the results of digital marketing through the use of deicate software. Some entrepreneurs and marketing managers. However. Are still doubtful about these methodologies given some underlying doubts. The first refers to the fear of losing control of processes due to automate workflows (but this. In most cases. Depends on the lack of knowlege of technical tools). The second concerns the fear of not being able to offer the right customization within the product offering.

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“How workflows work through marketing automation” what the data says about content personalization marketing automation new data let’s try to better understand these focal points in order to add a human touch to automation starting from numerical data. According to research conducte by hubspot. Personalize content (particularly ctas) is able to convert 202% more than standard content. The research institute statista also tells us that the share of us consumers who find the personalization of commercial content “Very” or “Somewhat” appealing is 90%. Base on a share that is getting closer and closer to all users.

Use of the recipient's name but not only

When we talk about personalization of mailings. We think of those that we receive every day to our email address. But also of those that clog up our linkein Phone Number ES inmail box. Where the sender addresses us. Using our name. This is a correct practice. Exploite by the majority of marketing automation software but which alone is no longer able to distinguish us from competitors. There are. Fortunately. Many ways to be creative in the field of email marketing. We therefore cite two successful case histories. Adidas . For some time now. Has been coloring and personalizing emails base on the recipient’s gender. While spotify has starte to share what he calls “Time capsules”. I.E. 

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