This data is for demonstration purposes only to familiarize

The data is immediately available in **DebugView** but not in standard reports. You must wait one day for them to arrive on your standard report. You can view and analyze content grouping data in two places: Pages and Screenshots Survey In Reports, go to Engagement, then Pages and Screenshots. Pages and Screens Reports Pages and Screens Reports Pages and Screenshots Reports Click the drop-down arrow for the primary dimension and select the content group. Click the drop-down arrow in Pages and Screens Click the drop-down arrow in Pages and Screens Click the drop-down arrow on Pages and Screenshots.

Select a content group from the drop-dow

Select Content Group as Dimension Select Content Group as Dimension Sp as Dimension Now you can analyze the data using calculations of the table. Content Group Reporting in GA4 Content Group Reporting in GA4 Training Directors Email Lists Content Group Reporting in GA4 What can we learn from content groups? NOTE:  you with the thought process during content analysis. Using our ABC, we found that the SEO content group was the most popular in terms of views (96,001 views). This is also the most attractive content,

Because the user is on our SEO page

Training Directors Email Lists

On average it takes 1 minute and 14 seconds (most are around 20 to 30 seconds). Alse been a successful content group that would have resulted in a large number  conversions in our example). SEO content generated only 62 co n social media, which had almost 10 time imes fewer engagements (users spent only 26 seconds on average). Although users only s edia pages, the conversion rate was very high, with 599 conversions. How can it bn open rate that Indonesia Phone Number reachee? In the end, our ad got quite a few impressions. Users engage with this content more than on social media, but ad content doesn’t convert at all. How do we interpret these results? Let’s use the previously mentioned questions and apply them to this scenario: 1. Does it make sense? Let’s take the example of social media, where users convert the most but page views and engagement are low.

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