Tips so that going back to school in 2023 is not so hard

This 2023 the start of school is between September 6 and 11 , approximately, depending on each autonomous community. And it not only represents back to school for school-age boys or girls, but it is also for adults as it means a return to ‘normality’ after the holidays. In the field of marketing, it is also an interesting period as it kicks off an end of the year full of special dates such as Black Friday or Christmas. How to face this return to school so that it is a success in your company?

Due to the seasonality that characterizes Spain, many people will find themselves in the same situation as you, returning from a period of a few weeks of vacation, so they will have to connect again with all the task they left on pause. Taking into account that companies like yours are going to face the same challenges in the final months of the year, we share some tips so that you can stand out from them and become the reference you want for your clients and potential users.

Check that your website works and is updated

An obvious step, true, but it is worth reviewing it, since we all know that technical incidents occur and before sending a promotion with a link it is better to ensure that everything is correct. Also, don’t forget to Slovenia Phone Number List check that the contents are up to date.

TIP : Update the blog before sending any communication by SMS or RCS to prevent your clients from seeing that you haven’t worked for weeks.

Segment your database

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Another interesting aspect is to prepare your database. Back to school is the ideal time to try campaign targeting, if you haven’t done so before. Work with your clients’ data so that you can send the appropriate cerent Malaysia Phone Number List camommunication to the right person. You will increase the conversion rate of your messages exponentially.

TIP : Keep your forms simple. At the beginning, ask only for the strictly necessary information and let your sales team fill in the rest of the information.

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