In the Reach and Action stages of advertising, direct purchase or lead conversion can sometimes be too daunting a goal. You should then focus on metrics related to your ad performance, such as clicks or click-through rate. The main goal of the reach phase is to generate traffic to your website, so you can also test which types of ads are clicked by the people who spend the longest time on your company’s website. These metrics can be used to measure the effectiveness of your advertising message and the relevance of your ad to the landing page (that is, the page to which the clicker is directed). There are countless metrics used in digital marketing. The most important thing is to choose the right indicators that support the company’s goals so that statistical development can be carried out based on the accumulated data. Testing should not stop. Give A/B testing enough time from the beginning. Don’t draw too hasty conclusions based on just a few days.
Model testing should be a continuous process
So it shouldn’t be stopped too quickly. for at least one month to allow sufficient data to accumulate. If you don’t do A/B testing at all, I think you also stop marketing development. Also read: How long does it take for social media marketing to yield results? Summary and future of A/B testing In the future, A/B testing will rely even more on artificial intelligence. There are already several artificial intelligence tools such as text generation on the mfuture these tools will definitely help in designing ads as well. Testing is also an important part of our MRACE® model, because without testing and experimentation, marketing cannot develop. All digital marketing can be tested to find ways to bring effective marketing to your company. Especially after the special period of the past few years, it is particularly important for companies to find the most effective marketing methods, and this is best achieved through testing. If you want to know more
More information about effective digital marketing
To test the continuous development of marketing, please download and set marketing goals. How many times have you been immersed in Instagram and suddenly found that time flies so fast? Yes, you’re definitely not the only one. In the 13 years since its establishment, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms. Its explosive growth from a few years ago has slowed down a bit, but it still ranks at the top of the list of ms. Approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide use Instagram. If you think about it from a marketer’s perspective, this gets a lot of attention. The growth of TikTok over the past few years can also be seen in the use of Instagram. Stories and films have captured people’s attention and people are consuming them more and more. Reels usually contain 15-30 seconds of video to which you can add music etc. The shift in user consumption towards shorter, video-based content also means that advertisers will also need to make changes. In what way? Let’s come back to this later. It’s also important to understand what kind of potential audience is waiting for you on Instagram.