What stuck with me the most from this year’s Brand Restart was Hanka Kloučková’s lecture on the subconscious and its testing in advertising. Although most things are predictable, I haven’t heard such a well-rounded, engaging, and beneficial lecture in a long time.
Every person makes around 35,000 decisions every day, and most of them are on autopilot, as Daniel Kahneman describes in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow .
For proper association with a brand
We need a person to have a strong connection between both terms. Not only conscious – but also subconscious. In American society, most people will answer you on a declarative level that education + white is a good combination and education + black is rich people database almost as good a combination. However, on a subconscious level, there is a fundamental difference, where black people have a much longer response time. People do not have such a natural connection, they have to think.
It can also be used to measure brand positioning , untapped benefit, slogan strength, brand fit, and more.
As was seen in the example of education, conscious and subconscious decisions are not always in harmony. In the last four slogans, it is striking that the second best conscious answer is the one that is best in the subconscious.
What Effi winners have in common is that they have very high subconscious activation and convey positive emotions – thereby arousing enthusiasm.
Finally, a few more tips. At the same time, Hanka also talked about why it is not absolutely essential to have a prominent logo throughout the entire spot, which is often mentioned as necessary (too many perceptions).
Change of visual identity or rebranding
The process of rebranding or changing visual versus the functions support and enabling of the organization’s processes identity was described using two very different examples (Švihej and the Brno Bishopric). The lecture on heavenly rebranding was definitely interesting.
Lukáš Pítra spoke about the currently popular topic of user experience and how Czech brands and companies (don’t) address it.
The map of touchpoints where companies can get feedback is certainly interesting.
Marketing and customer support don’t talk to each other, which is a shame
Little mystery shopping or qualitative research is done, even though the costs or expertise required are not high
The customer journey map is also interesting.
Liftago finally
The last lectures are always difficult, but Lukáš Musil did it thailand data well. I came to the conference with a green monster and the search for a brand proposition was interesting.
The following slide shows what Liftag’s journey looked like. I especially liked the part about understanding the current state and brand strategy.
The creative execution by Liftag didn’t appeal to me. It seemed gray and a bit stock-like. Maybe that’s why I didn’t really notice their campaign, even though I register their funny posts on social media.
And there was more. Brand Restart had a shorter format this year, but the lectures were all the better.