In any case you must remember that this is an iterative function. This means that you should not settle for the first Buyer Persona you manage to define. Nothing of that! Periodically, you should renew your analysis to stay up to date with market changes.
Ask questions to your clients
there will be no better source of information than customers. So you will have to devise mechanisms to contact them. Luckily today there are many alternatives: social networks, emails, web forms, instant messaging, among others.
Try to think of the right questions that one after another help you validate Iran Phone Number List a profile that can be used for commercial purposes.
So try to surround yourself with specialists to put together an effective instrument: A poorly designed questionnaire will be the same as not having collected any information. But calm down! A little later we will offer you a small guide on the questions you can ask the members of your audience.
Consult other departments
By definition, there are some divisions of your company that will have closer contact with the public. Such is the case of the sales and customer service departments. Listen to them! Hold meetings with them so Senegal Phone Number List they can also provide information about everything they know about clients.
They will surely be able to provide you with valuable information about recurring claims so that you can improve your processes. It will also be interesting to know which products or features receive the most questions about. This way you can define your next releases,.