Everything you need to know about artificial intelligence

If that’s not worrying enough, well… there’s more coming: Google Cloud has just launched new capabilities also based on artificial intelligence and machine learning as an enabler for retail websites. Google calls this set of features “Artificial Intelligence for Retail Discovery” and is designed to enable e-commerce sites to provide a more personalized experience in search results and Google recommendations within their sites. The main purpose of these solutions is to reduce search abandonment, improve shopping experience, and increase conversion rates. Note that I mentioned “within its properties” above. that’s right! I’m not referring to the SERP results, but the browsing experience the e-commerce website itself may provide.

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. Improving the shopping experienced the launch of these features on January 13, highlighting that the solution significantly improves the shopping experience using: Image attributes that help find products Design Director Managers Email Lists learned through previous browsing experiences User behavior. A highly likely scenario is that retailers may provide consumers with more personalized product listings that closely align with their true expectations. What we see now are usually product classification lists. The classification method pays more attention to business needs, highlighting “best sellers” or product collections based on seasons, seasonal changes, etc. This does not always represent the needs of users and what they want to buy.

Product recommendations will also have a more dynamic presentation, which

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Can be more effective, thereby increasing sales opportunities. See the case of Macy’s, which is already using this solution to leverage artificial intelligence for the retailer and provide customers with a rich multimedia  Namibia Phone Number List otificatimore personalized experience in their online store. Macy’s provides personalized shopping experience through Google Cloud Discovery sooogle Cloud YouTube channel) In addition, I also believe that we can expect better results from “long tail” searches because artificial intelligence can Understand them better.

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