Explain to them what it is, how the data was obtained and how to take advantage of it.

From that moment on, this representation must be an important part during any activity carried out in the company. No decision will be made if it does not directly or indirectly benefit the relationship with the Buyer Persona.

Regarding the commercial and marketing

section, you must draw up an entire sales funnel adapted to the characteristics found. Following this structure:

Home:  that respond to the needs and interests of your Buyer Persona.
Half: Email Panama Phone Number List marketing or a specialized blog accessed by peopl want more specific information. Of course you must adjust the style of these publications so that they are congruent with the Buyer Persona.
Background:  a strong intention to do business with you. So present them with customer stories or product reviews so they can make the final decision to buy.

Example of a Buyer Persona of a company

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And since they say that practice makes perfect, let’s review the Slovenia Phone Number List example of a fictitious company that sells video game consoles. This would be your Buyer Persona:

Name: E-nrique.
Social and demographic traits: Young man between 15 and 35 years old, single. It is not necessary to distinguish gender or sexual preference.
Personality: This is an active person with a very busy day. Cheerful, but demanding regarding the quality of the products he buys.
Interests and goals: Have the latest generation electronic devices.
Behavior on social networks: Strong presence on all current social networks. With active participation leaving reviews about technologies in general.


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