Avoid making the following mistakes in your SMS marketing campaigns

The growth in the use of mobile devices is changing the way companies communicate with their customers. More and more companies in any sector are using SMS as part of marketing actions to boost their business. But not everything goes when we talk about bulk SMS campaigns , discover what mistakes you should avoid if you want to create effective SMS marketing campaigns and increase your chances of success.

1. Do not request prior consent from your recipients

Before sending promotional SMS campaigns, it is mandatory for any company to obtain confirmation from its recipients. This consent, called opt-in, corresponds to the explicit authorization of your client or Honduras Phone Number List prospect to receive information through text messages.

2. Write confusing or long messages
Get to the point! SMS messages are by definition short and precise messages. Simple and concise messages generate a better response from your audience. If you need more than 160 characters to convey your message, consider SMS Landing Pages .

3. Send impersonal messages

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Generic SMS messages give your customers the impression that they are not actually addressed to them and minimize the impact of your campaigns. By personalizing each SMS with the first or last  Tunisia Phone Number List name of your customers, they will feel more addressed and the conversion of your calls to action will be greater.

4. Do not indicate the sender of the SMS
It may seem unnecessary to specify this, but don’t forget to sign each of your SMS messages so your customers know who they come from! Otherwise, there is a high chance that your SMS will end up in SPAM or your recipients will block your sending number.

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